Tag Archives: sensitive types

Sensitive Guys

I don’t know what it is about sensitive guys… Women are constantly talking about how there’s no good guys out there anymore, they’re all assholes and treat girls like they’re disposable.  But what about the good guys that repeatedly get screwed over by women.  Personally, I avoid the overly sensitive types.  For example, my co worker (I’ve spoken about him before, this is John.  He was originally mentioned in my post called “Long time, no post”.)  went on a coffee/tea run this morning.  He went around and took everyone’s order.  I ordered a large sweet tea (if you have not gotten a large sweet tea from Dunkin Donuts for 99 cents you are missing out!!).  I gave him a dollar for my order and he left.  A little bit of background on what he’s been going through the past couple days.  Apparently, his girlfriend (I always knew she was crazy) broke up with him.  She got back on drugs and lied about it.  She is unhappy and wants to leave.  When he asked what it was he did she said it was nothing, he was perfect.  She then went and talked to John’s friends girlfriend about where he went wrong in the relationship.  Instead of telling him what was wrong, she gossiped and he found out from someone else.  Anyway, he comes back from getting drinks for everyone and gives me my tea, then puts my dollar back on my desk.  I asked him why he gave me my dollar back and he kept walking.  I’m the kind of person that only allows guys to pay for me if they are dating me, otherwise I am very capable of paying for myself. ( I mean really, its a dollar!)  I picked up the dollar and walked after him and made sure he took it.  Afterwards, he walks over and says that I am mean without realizing it.  John is a sensitive guy, I did not know that not accepting the 99 cent tea would offend him.  I was talking to my mother (yes I ask her for advice on how to handle these situations A LOT) and she thinks he was looking for a something to comfort him, and doing something nice for someone else is comforting for him.  After giving me advice, she dissed me.  How motherly of her!  She told me that I didn’t accept his paying for my beverage because “You’re just afraid of compromising your frail independence.”  I took offense and told her so, and she responded with ” If it weren’t frail then you wouldn’t need to guard it so closely. Its better than being a helpless ninny.” She’s great at giving advice, comforting? Not so much.  Now I’m not sure how to smooth things over with John, and I’m not so sure he would accept an apology.  I don’t know how I manage to upset people without realizing it, or even trying.  I was brought up to be independent, I don’t need a southern gentleman to pay for me.  I believe in chivalry ( it is NOT dead!) but there is a right place and right time for it.

If you’ve had a similar experience or have any comments, questions, suggestions or just liked this post, sound off down below!! I love knowing that my awkward encounters gave my readers/followers a chuckle, or made them feel like they aren’t alone! 🙂



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