Tag Archives: rekindle

My Tantalizing Greek

Faithful readers and followers,

If you have been reading along with my posts of love and frustration I
am here to say that I have made a decision.  Although it is not a
final decision that ends the journey with My Tantalizing Greek, it is
a decision that may postpone any further action on my part.  I have
come to accept that he is unsure and scared of what may come if we
continue on with a relationship.  My Tantalizing Greek has issues when
it comes to peoples “pasts”.  He has a major role in my past, but
everything after him/before him recently is what he cannot get past.
There is only one part of my past that matters to me and it is him, he
has the only part that matters.  He realizes that he will never be
with a person that does not have a “past”, he has every part of me and
he knows it.  Although we would both be taking a step into unknown
territory we would be doing it together, which is all that I truly
care about.

I have come to the decision that My Tantalizing Greek needs to come to
his own decisions when it comes to us.  I will not force anything on
him, I will not tell him how I feel, or what it is I want.  He came to
me with a hope to rekindle what we once had, he came to me wanting to
be happy once again with me.  He made that decision and then scared
himself into thinking it was not the right choice.  Although I will be
constantly tempted to talk him and emotionally distracted by not
getting what I want from him, he does not need me to confuse his
decisions anymore.  I can only hope that my choices will help him come
to a faster and beneficial decision for me.  I have followed my heart
when it comes to him, and I have held on for what some people may say
is too long.  When it comes to matters of the heart, you move on when
your heart tells you to.  3 years and neither of us have moved on,
maybe now is not the time to rekindle our relationship, but maybe
someday will be the day. Only time will tell.


Chelsea Salem Elise

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